Selecting the right auto policy on your own can be a daunting task. And while TV and online advertisements may offer low rates for auto insurance, they typically don’t take the time to get to know you or take into account your unique circumstances. As such, we at SMD Insurance Services are here to help find you the best coverage possible for the best price.
Our experienced agents will be sure to check if you qualify for special auto insurance discounts. You may even qualify for savings based on things your family is already doing. Common auto insurance policy discounts include:
- Multi-policy and Multi-Vehicle: By carrying multiple insurance policies through SMD Insurance Services, you may qualify for bundling discounts. You may also be able to save by covering multiple cars in one policy.
- Good Driver: We firmly believe that good drivers should be rewarded and so do many of the companies we represent. Many policies offer reduced policy rates for insured drivers with clean driving records or those who have completed certain driving safety courses including defensive driver classes.
- Car Safety Features: Did you know having a vehicle with airbags, alarms and anti-lock brakes can save you money? Our team will be sure to check to see if your vehicle qualifies.
- Teen Driver at College: Have a teenage driving away at college within a 100 mile radius? By covering them with certain policies, you may be entitled to savings. Ask our agents for details.
- Military: Many insurance companies offer discounts to the men and women who serve our country. If you are a member of the U.S. military, we’ll make sure you receive the thanks you deserve.
Auto Insurance Coverages Include
Bodily Injury
Bodily Injury coverage is a key part of auto insurance policies. Depending on your coverage limits, this will pay for all of or part of your losses, due to bodily injuries or death due to an accident. Typical expenses liability coverage may pay for medical bills, loss of earnings, and any other losses a court sees fit. We can help you find a liability limit that works for you.
Property Damage
Property Damage coverage will help pay for any property damage you are responsible for. The most common types of property damage include damage to another vehicle arising out of an accident you are responsible for. Other examples of property damage include damage to a person’s home, a fence, a yard, or a business.
Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist
Even though it is the law, many drivers do not carry liability insurance, and if they do, they don’t carry enough. If you are involved in an accident where you or your passengers are hurt, and the other driver was not properly insured, this coverage would pay for your injuries and their related expenses.
Collision Coverage
Regardless of who is at fault, collision coverage will pay for the damage to your vehicle caused by an auto accident. Whether your vehicle needs a minor repair or total replacement, collision coverage is critical for any car owner. Talk to an agent to discuss the different deductibles available.
Comprehensive Coverage
Did you know that collision coverage doesn’t cover all auto damage? Comprehensive coverage can help offset the costs of damages incurred in other ways.